On Friday, August 18, 2023, Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard (MHC) will be hosting its 11th annual Garden Gala in support of its programming that increases access to healthy food for those in Monroe County. This event will take place at Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard Garden location, 1100 W. Allen St., and will allow attendees to see the garden and enjoy local music, food, drinks, and more. 

This is only one way that Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard is getting involved with the Monroe County community. They also supply a food pantry that provides access to healthy foods, including produce from their garden, dry goods, meat, and dairy. Anyone can stop by and shop, just like a grocery store, for items that they and their families may need. Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard also provides cooking programs for anyone within the community to learn how to cook healthy budget-friendly meals within their very own Hub Kitchen. MHC works endlessly with its advocacy programs to engage the community in helping the root causes of hunger along with increasing access to healthy foods. 

Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard happens to be one of the not-for-profit organizations that the Bloomington Health Foundation (BHF) has awarded grants to through our most recent Request for Proposal process. Through MHC’s expansion of its Educational and Gardening Programs, they embody and live out two of our core community support areas, which are, healthy eating and behaviors and food security. Their two programs specifically address food insecurity by reducing barriers to access and ensuring community members are able to use kitchen and garden equipment to prepare and grow their own food. 

Bloomington Health Foundation is proud to support MHC and its many initiatives in helping our community achieve a healthier tomorrow. Don’t forget to join Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard Garden Gala on August 18th at 6:30 p.m. for a great evening and support an even better cause! To learn more about the event, click here.