The COVID-19 vaccine is available for Hoosiers 65 years and older. Registration is available through the state website. If assistance is needed with registration, please call Indiana 211. There are multiple clinics available in Monroe County incluiding the Monroe Convention Center, IU Health Bloomington’s Med Arts Building located on 1st street, and select Kroger pharmacies are also now offering the vaccine. In the near future, another clinic will be available at Indiana University.

For those needing assistance in locating the Med Arts Clinic, IU Health Bloomington created a video. Additionally, those experiencing mobility issues may use the drive in the front of the Medical Arts Building for drop off and pick up. If you need to cancel your vaccine appointment at that site, please call the clinic at (812) 361-1319 or email


Those aged 60 and older can sign up for the Monroe County Health Department’s standby waitlist to be considered for any unused vaccine doses at the end of each day. If you sign up, you must be able to arrive at the Monroe Convention Center clinic within 30 minutes of notification by the Monroe County Health Department. Please note, registrants must renew their name on the list weekly starting on Sundays.

For questions or for more information, contact the Monroe County Health Department.



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