Headshot of Dr. Aaron Carroll by Marina Waters

Dr. Aaron Carroll, Photo by Marina Waters

Dr. Aaron Carroll has been appointed as the inaugural Chief Health Officer of Indiana University. He will lead IU’s response on public health emergencies, mental health, wellness, and identify upcoming health challenges that can be addressed by the University.

Carroll was formerly the Professor of Pediatrics at IU School of Medicine and the Director of Mitigation Testing for the university. During the pandemic he was featured in The Atlantic and The New York Times.

“Helping to lead Indiana University’s COVID-19 response has been some of the most meaningful work of my career,” Carroll said in the University press release. “I couldn’t be more honored or excited to continue to coordinate those efforts and lead IU in confronting other health and medical issues in the future.”

In lieu of IU’s vaccine requirement, IU is now offering prizes to students, faculty, and staff who upload COVID-19 vaccination documentation. This month, winners will be randomly drawn and gifted their choice of gift cards, vouchers, or other prizes. One student winner will receive up to $11,220 in credit for the value of in-state tuition.

Qualifications and the full list of prizes can be found on the IU COVID website.

IU’s Head of COVID-19 response Kirk White said that the university expects at least 70% of all students, faculty, and staff will be fully vaccinated by the fall. Vaccinated individuals will not have to participate in mitigation testing, social distancing, or masking on campus but those without the vaccine will have to maintain compliance with those guidelines.