Indiana University School of Medicine conducted one of its largest trials involving over 500 participants for the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Cynthia Brown led the study and said that she believes the vaccine is not only safe but that its ability to be stored at normal refrigerator temperatures could make distribution easier than its competitors.

The IU trial was part of the company’s larger study which comprises over 30,000 Americans. While the vaccine has been in use in other countries, it has yet to be approved for distribution in the United States. Canada recently suspended the use of the product after suspicions of links to blood clots. Dr. Brown said, “I think if you do not have a history of a clotting disorder in the past, I would not have a hesitancy to take it myself.”

The university is also seeking unvaccinated students to take part in a national Moderna trial. Universities across the country will conduct research to learn if getting the vaccine affects the number of viral particles in the nose. For more information, including participant criteria and compensation, details can be found on the Prevent COVID U website.