Through the Bloomington Health Foundation’s High-Impact Community Health Solutions Fund we are providing preventative skin cancer care through sunscreen donations to the Bloomington Parks Foundation and the City of Bloomington Parks Department. This sponsorship ensures that both Mills Pool and Bryan Park Pool will be stocked with sunscreen for five years.

“The goal is to provide protection for all pool users and also be a teaching tool for young children that the use of the sunscreen is a beneficial action to maintaining healthy skin while preventing the cancer causing effects of direct and indirect sunlight,” Bloomington Parks Foundation stated in their grant report to Bloomington Health Foundation.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer whose rates have been increasing for the last 30 years. The risk of melanoma increases with ultravoilet (UV) radiation exposure from the sun or tanning beds.

You can protect yourself and your family from UV rays by:

    • wearing water-resistant sunscreen with SPF 30 or more that protects against both UVA and UVB rays
    • avoiding use of tanning beds or sun lamps
    • wearing protective clothing including a hat or sunglasses

Additionally, it is always advised you and your family visit a dermatologist for an annual checkup of any moles or freckles that may be of concern.