Tips to Have a Healthier Holiday this Year

December 15, 2022

Nearly everyone wants to go into the new year as their best self. Although, with the holiday season taking place right before the new year, large family meals taking place, and nearly no time for physical activity, doing so can be more difficult than anticipated.

That’s why we wanted to provide a few tips to keep in mind and actionable steps you can take to plan for a healthier and happier holiday this year.

Try to stay active. The days are shorter and colder, so staying active can become more and more difficult. Although, physical activity is key to keeping up with your overall health. When shopping, walk a few quick laps around the shopping center before going into any stores. Take the stairs at every opportunity. If you can’t climb the stairs all the way to where you’re going, take the elevator part of the way, then take the stairs the rest of the way. Skip the search for a close parking spot during your errands and park farther away so you can get a quick walk in before heading to your destination. When friends and family gather, go for a group walk. You can make the walk more fun by turning it into a festive scavenger hunt!

Eat healthy when possible. Eating healthy supports muscles and bones, boosts immunity, aids digestive functions, and helps with weight management, among other health benefits. As families begin to gather for large meals, portion sizes start to increase, and the nutritious value of your foods may decrease, as well. Even with all of the temptations holiday foods usually offer, it is still possible to make healthy choices. If you happen to eat some foods that are high in calories, saturated fat, or added sugars, choose small portions and only eat them once in a while. At parties and other gatherings, fill your plate with your favorite fruits and vegetables first, then add small portions of less healthy items. If you are taking food to a party, make it your favorite healthy dish. Then you’ll be sure that at least one item at the party will be a healthy choice that you enjoy.

Plan activities that don’t involve eating. Traditionally, the holiday season is filled with many, large meals with extended family. Depending on your culture, this can be a very sacred tradition. Although, planning new traditions after these large meals could be the solution. You could plan to volunteer in your community, partake in a seasonal activity – like ice skating or winter hiking, take a family walk, or visit a museum or exhibit. 

A healthy and happy holiday is possible. By making small, healthier decisions each and every day, you will be on your way to creating a healthy lifestyle, even beyond the holiday season!



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