Staying Safe and Healthy During Summer Storms

June 10, 2022

As we’ve said goodbye to winter and slowly creep out of spring and into summer, we also start to deal with different types of weather conditions and how to prepare for them. It may not appear to be necessary to take precautions in the midwest during the summer months, but summer storms, flooding, extreme heat, earthquakes, and tornadoes are all extreme weather conditions to think about as we dive deeper into summer. Here are a few tips to make sure both your health and safety are put first during extreme weather this summer. 

Summer storms can wreak havoc on communities, as they can bring heavy winds, lightning, and flooding. For the Bloomington community, flooding has been a problem for decades. Floods, big or small, can have devastating effects on your home and your family, so it’s important to have a plan before it happens. Learn how to prepare for floods, including how to create a plan, gather supplies you’ll need, and get your home ready here

Along with the heavy winds, lightning, and flooding that summer storms can bring, tornadoes can also accompany these extreme weather conditions during the summer months. Tornadoes impact locations across the country every year, bringing massive winds and destruction in their paths. Although tornadoes are most common in the Central Plains, the Midwest, and the Southeast, they have been reported in all 50 states. Learn how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe during a tornado here

Indiana summers can be hot! We’ve all lived through them, but unfortunately, more than 600 people in the U.S. are killed by extreme heat every year. Although, heat-related illnesses are absolutely preventable. Learn how to stay cool, stay hydrated, and stay informed this summer here.

Although earthquakes aren’t as frequent as the extreme heat we experience during the summer months, it’s still important to understand what they are, when they’re happening, and what to do when they do occur. Learn more about earthquakes here.


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