The Herald Times: Change coming; progress is an imperative (4.30.18)

This guest column was submitted by Angela Parker, chair, Bloomington Health Foundation Inc.

Perhaps you’ve heard that the Bloomington Hospital Foundation recently changed its name to Bloomington Health Foundation Inc. I write to tell you about that decision.

Change is inevitable. Progress is optional. This quote embodies the spirit by which the newly named foundation boldly embarks on this new chapter, building on a proud 50-year history.

Consolidation in the health care industry seems to be the trend as health delivery systems respond to the ever-changing health care environment. This came to our community’s doorstep in 2009 when then-Bloomington Hospital, integrated with then-Clarian Health Partners.

Those who participated in that vibrant community discussion will recall one of the strongest community voices to emerge from that conversation was the overwhelming consensus that the Bloomington Hospital Foundation maintain its status as an independent 501(c) organization, governed by its community — ensuring that the vision and funding priorities remain under local control — as it has operated its entire existence.

And so, in 2017 — the year in which BHF celebrated our 50th anniversary, no less — an invitation to integrate presented itself. BHF was invited by IU Health to make significant changes that would include dissolution of its nonprofit governance and fiduciary responsibilities and gifting its assets to a new IU Health Foundation, headquartered in Indianapolis. After serious, thoughtful consideration, along with efforts to negotiate an alternate path with IU Health, the BHF board declined the invitation.

Ultimately, the board determined that integration was not in keeping with our long-standing promise to community and donors, who entrusted funds to an independent organization (including governance comprised 100 percent of people living in our community). The board concluded that our mission is best served and optimally executed by remaining as we are — an independent 501(c) corporation. As we continue our work, we remain extraordinarily grateful for both the affirmation and support from our community.

BHF is in a position to chart an expanded course that will focus on our community’s most pressing health needs, while still supporting the hospital and its ancillary programs and facilities. Simply put, we are committed to helping the people of Bloomington and surrounding communities lead healthier lives. For our community to continue to thrive into the future, we must take bold action, arm-in-arm with community partners, including Local Council of Women and IU Health, to aggressively and effectively address these critical needs.

Consider the following:

• In Indiana, babies are born dependent on opioids at a third more often than the national average, according to the Indiana Department of Health (15.7 percent versus 10.7percent).

• More than 18 percent of children in Monroe County live in poverty, and 19 percent lack access to nutrition that supports an active, healthy life, according to the Indiana Youth Institute.

• In Indiana, there is an average of 730:1 ratio of population to mental health providers, according to Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (360:1 is 90th percentile).

• More than 7,600 people are living with Alzheimer’s in our region, according to the Greater Indiana Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association.

• More than 75 percent of national health spending is attributable to chronic diseases that are largely preventable, according to IU School of Public Health.

Bloomington Health Foundation looks forward to both leading and convening around these topics and looking to develop ways to leverage funds that will help us tackle pressing health care needs. And, as always, BHF’s commitment to honoring donor intent remains constant.

Change is coming. Progress is not optional. It is imperative. Let’s find ways to do this together.

Original article: