The Herald Times: Bloomington Health Foundation seeks bold, collaborative and local solutions (Editorial, 6.9.18)

The launch of the new Bloomington Health Foundation was a celebration wrapped around good news.

The event Tuesday kicked off the second 50 years of an organization devoted to addressing the health needs of the community. For the first 50, it was the Bloomington Hospital Foundation. However, last year, IU Health, which now operates Bloomington Hospital, asked the Bloomington Hospital Foundation to join a new IU Health Foundation in Indianapolis. The foundation was “invited” to give its assets to the Indianapolis-based organization and essentially give up local control.

Foundation board president Angela Parker, in a guest column in the H-T, wrote: “After serious, thoughtful consideration, along with efforts to negotiate an alternate path with IU Health, the BHF board declined the invitation.”

Thus, the Bloomington Health Foundation was born. The celebration Tuesday was about the new name and expanded mission as the second 50 years begins.

Both Parker and Foundation Executive Director Jon Barada stressed that the organization remains deeply supportive of IU Health Bloomington Hospital and is committed to financial support and strong partnerships with its former exclusive mate. However, the new structure allows for expanding the scope of addressing local health needs while maintaining local control and independence.

Parker added in that column: “BHF is in a position to chart an expanded course that will focus on our community’s most pressing health needs, while still supporting the hospital and its ancillary programs and facilities. Simply put, we are committed to helping the people of Bloomington and surrounding communities lead healthier lives.”

The announcement of $1 million in grants affirmed that expanded commitment.

Half of the amount will go to IU Health Bloomington Hospital programs, fulfilling that part of the mission. The other half will address multiple health-related issues in very direct ways.

For example, one grant will provide 1,600 cribs to the Monroe County Community Health Clinic and IU Health Community Health to improve the area’s infant mortality rate. Another will protect sunbathers and swimmers from skin cancer by making free sunscreen available at Bryan Park and Mills Pools for the next five years. A gift to Monroe County United Ministries will make sure more children have access to needed mental health services. Another will help people in recovery.

Like the Bloomington Health Foundation logo, with its intersecting lines of bright yellow, red and teal with touches of deep blue and green, the organization hopes to be bold and collaborative. It’s core mission also will remain local.

“Our challenges belong to us. We’re here to make a difference,” executive director Barada said.

The community is fortunate they are.

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