Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard Helps to Educate and Provide Healthy Food Options in Bloomington

November 10, 2022

Many people across the nation struggle to eat healthily and this can often be attributed to a lack of resources or education on the topic. Access to healthy and nutritious food is a challenge within the Bloomington community, as well. Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard (MHC) is a Bloomington organization that works to increase access to healthy food in ways that cultivate dignity, self-sufficiency, and community.

MHC works in a multitude of ways to address the root causes of hunger and empower community members in the process. Their Direct Giving Program allows community members and other organizations to donate and volunteer to help those in need. The funds donated are put toward things like transportation, clothing, childcare, household items, medical supplies, and more. 

The MHC’s Food Pantry is another way MHC creates access to healthy and nutritious foods for those who need them. The food pantry receives food from Hoosier Hills Food Bank, donors, food drives, and locally grown produce from farmers, gardeners, and the Plant a Row for the Hungry Program. Members in need are welcome to come to the pantry and collect what they need for themselves and their families. 

The non-profit has its own garden where they allow patrons to grow produce for their home pantry. MHC provides all the necessary tools and equipment to make this possible to reduce any barriers to learning more about healthy food. This allows community members in need to not only have access to healthy foods but also educate themselves on how to grow and manage healthy foods.

Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard is the second not-for-profit organization that the Bloomington Health Foundation (BHF) has awarded grants to through our 2022 Request for Proposal process. Through MHC’s expansion of its Educational and Gardening Programs, they embody and live out two of our core community support areas, which are, healthy eating and behaviors and food security. Their two programs specifically address food insecurity by reducing barriers to access and ensuring community members are able to use kitchen and garden equipment to prepare and grow their own food. 

Stay tuned to learn more about the other three grantees and the impactful initiatives they’re implementing to make Bloomington a healthier community.



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