More and More Viruses

September 22, 2022

While COVID-19 is still very relevant, there have been other viruses popping up around the world, as well, like the most recent: Monkeypox. Though we have better testing and monitoring methods to detect outbreaks sooner than in the past, public health experts are still struggling to keep up with all the new diseases. It’s not just new infectious diseases being created but also the return of diseases like polio. So why are there so many new and returning diseases?  

One of these reasons is due to humans intruding on animal environments like forests and jungles. Veterinary science researchers have shown that the highest risk place for new diseases is at the edge of forests and jungles. The animals that live there are more likely to carry infectious diseases that are a threat to humans. 

Another reason for these new and returning diseases has to do with animals, as well. The increased consumption of protein in wealthier countries causes a high demand for meat. This forces those that grow animals to do it in larger numbers, then to sell and ship them around the world. The more animals that are condensed together, the more likely it is for a disease to grow. 

More people are also being condensed into large cities than ever before. Diseases spread easily when families are packed into small homes and live next to other families. Many big cities around the world have been impacted massively by pandemics. It makes sense that cities like New York are always hit the hardest by these new infectious diseases. 

One more big factor involving the spread of these infectious diseases has to do with climate change. Climate change has been a big factor in people moving to different areas and looking for new land to grow crops on. Along with humans, animals are also having to find new places to inhabit which doesn’t help this situation for humans or animals. 

In order to make sure that you and your family are staying safe, try to stay up to date on current and possible new health threats. Keeping up to date on your vaccinations will also be key factor in protecting yourself against various viruses.


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