Mental Health New Year’s Resolutions

January 12, 2023

Did you know that one-third of all new year’s resolutions don’t make it past January? This is due to people creating goals that don’t have a plan, may be unrealistic, or simply, the resolution not being the right fit. The resolution may be based on what someone else is doing, or it may be too vague. Resolutions must mean something to that person and go by a SMART plan. They should be specific (S), measurable (M), achievable (A), relevant (R), and time-bound (T).  

Most people set new year’s resolutions to be healthier in the form of eating or exercising. Although, one resolution that is becoming more common is practicing more self-care. Your mental health is just as important and should be prioritized the same as your physical health. To make this resolution a reality, plan downtown for yourself and brainstorm a list of self-care activities that you want to do and enjoy. Then make sure that you can create time in your weekly schedule or daily routine to do so. Self-care could be as simple as exercising routinely, or it could also be taking an hour of alone time to watch your favorite show or read a book. 

Another mental health resolution you can make is to prioritize getting enough sleep. Sleep and mental health are deeply connected, as a study by Harvard Health shows that 65-90% of people who deal with major depression also experience sleep problems. If you’re not getting as much sleep as you should be, try going to bed a little earlier every night to maintain a healthy balance of sleep. 

One more mental health resolution is simply learning more about mental health, as understanding your mental health can help improve it. Many online resources can help with mental health issues or substance conditions. There is also the option of speaking with a medical professional to understand your specific situation better. Understanding mental health more may not only help yourself but also those around you! 

Also, remember that even though the new year is a great time to make a SMART plan for resolutions, these resolutions can be done at any point in the year!



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