Mental Health Crisis for Hoosier Girls

September 21, 2023

On August 31, 2023, the Indiana Youth Institute and the Girl Coalition of Indiana published a report explaining that Hoosier girls are “experiencing an unprecedented mental health crisis.”

This report is the first of its kind and takes a deep dive into mental health data and surveys completed by school-aged kids across the state. It mentions some information you might have already known but also provides details that prove to be quite shocking. Data indicates that nearly half of Hoosier girls in grades 7-12 experienced depression in 2022, and close to one in four girls seriously considered suicide. Therefore 25% of Hoosier girls have contemplated taking their own lives.

Girl Coalition of Indiana Executive Director, Mackenzie Pickerrell, in a statement explains, “This report shines a light on what many of us knew already, our girls are not ok, and we must act now to remove the barriers that exist throughout Indiana which prevent our girls from thriving.”

Knowing these staggering statistics, the Coalition wants to share this with as many people as possible, so we can all become mental health advocates, especially for our youth. For girls specifically, their symptoms can be easily hidden and often go unnoticed, and even when they seek help, there is a shortage of mental health professionals — especially in schools.

Youth and mental health advocates said the research can be used as a “roadmap” or foundation for providing the necessary resources to encourage safe environments for girls, especially when it comes to navigating sensitive topics, such as mental health, sexual dating violence, gender bias, and bullying.

Learn more about this crisis and how you can help here.