Ways to Help You Achieve Your Health Goals

July 7, 2022

  1. Be specific about your goals. First of all, you have to know exactly what your goals are in order to reach them. A goal of “getting in shape” doesn’t tell you where you want to go, and you’ll never really know if you are there. On the other hand, setting specific goals like being able to run a seven-minute mile or losing ten pounds gives you something to aim for, as well as something you can measure so you know you’ve reached it when you get there.
  2. Set realistic goals. It’s okay to set ambitious goals, but setting unrealistic goals can make you give up on the goals more easily. If you aren’t already a runner, setting a goal to run a marathon by the end of the month isn’t very realistic. Set yourself up for success, not failure!
  3. Nutrition impacts your health and wellness goals. Good nutrition starts with a healthy relationship with food. If you have to give up some of your comfort foods to meet your health goals, find new and healthier foods that you like and will be able to look forward to on your health journey.
  4. Have a support system in place. Oftentimes when we try to go it alone, we don’t put ourselves first. A support system creates both accountability and encouragement. For example, if you’re tired from a long day you might be tempted to skip your evening workout. If you had a workout buddy though, you’d be accountable to that person and more likely to complete your workout with them. A support system can be just one person, like a spouse, close friend, or wellness coach, or you can join a fitness club or other support groups with many members to help you stay on track.
  5. Get enough sleep. Without adequate sleep, your body can’t properly function. In turn, this makes us feel less motivated, and our metabolism takes a huge hit. Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night and ditch the screens at least 30 minutes before lights-out. Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine at the same time each night can help you wind down and calm your mind.