Coping with Cabin Fever

January 5, 2023

Cabin fever usually happens when an individual or a group of people are in an isolated location for an extended period of time. This seems to happen more often during the winter months when there is less activity outside due to storms, the cold, and the sunless days. If you are living in the state of Indiana, during the winter months there is a 30%-40% increase in cloud cover compared to the other months. 

Cabin fever means more than just staying inside all of the time and could cause psychological problems that you many may not think of. Some symptoms of cabin fever may include an increase in food cravings, a decrease in motivation, difficulty focusing, trouble sleeping, and feeling lonely. This is all due to the decrease in social interactions that we are used to in our daily lives. Interactions as simple as socializing at work, going to the gym, or other social functions are taken out of our daily lives. Sometimes cabin fever is inescapable, but there are ways in which people can cope. 

One way to cope with cabin fever symptoms is to follow a normal eating pattern and maintain it. Many people will overindulge due to having constant access to food throughout the day. Others may not eat as much, if at all, because they are not doing any physical activity that they are used to doing. This would then cause a deficiency in energy due to less food intake. Following a well-balanced diet is not only good for your physical health but also your mental health as well. 

Another way to cope with cabin fever is to keep your brain busy. Having too much idle time can become demotivating and exhausting at the same time. Challenging yourself to learn something new is always a great option, like learning how to play an instrument or trying a new language. Some other activities that are still effective would be playing board games, doing puzzles, or even just reading a book. 

Overall, cabin fever is a real problem and can lead to other major health problems if it isn’t given attention and dealt with properly. Not everyone will have symptoms of cabin fever, but for those that are used to socializing and being outdoors, this may be something to stay mindful of. 



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