Bloomington Health Foundation’s Lead and Convene Model Reshapes Community Health Funding

October 25, 2022

As the needs of community health are ever-changing, Bloomington Health Foundation (BHF) remains a strong and enduring organization rooted in the collective power of community. Recently, the foundation launched full speed ahead announcing a radical approach to funding, Lead and Convene, that empowers high-impact community health solutions focused on solving the most pressing health issues through strategic collaboration.

CEO, Michelle Gilchrist, who joined the organization 12-months ago said, “Too often, nonprofits are asked to feed, heal, shelter, educate, inspire and nurture people of every age, demographic and socioeconomic status. They are asked to do this on a shoestring budget, limited staffing, insufficient evaluation skills, while simultaneously becoming self-sustaining in the absence of long-term funding. This is an impossible feat for anyone to accomplish.” 

A recent study conducted by Aspen Institute suggests nonprofit organizations play a vital role in building healthy communities by providing critical services that contribute to economic stability and mobility. They understand the community’s needs and can provide pathways to overcome societal barriers. Unfortunately, many nonprofits are starving for financial and volunteer support that strengthens operations, improves service delivery, and creates stronger economies. When opportunities present themselves, public and private funding tend to focus on building and expanding programs, as opposed to investing in the organizations’ core infrastructure, growth and development. 

“The objective of Lead and Convene is to help nonprofits build strong foundations that are fundable and sustainable. It begins with us leading the charge to step-up as a funder to take on tough community health challenges, by convening the right people and organizations equally committed to sustainable change,” said Gilchrist.  Prior to launching Lead and Convene, BHF provided various levels of funding from one-time $3,000 grants to multi-year support of $1 million or more. “If we want to strengthen communities, reduce disparities, improve service delivery, and create strong economy, then we cannot do this with $3,000 grants.” Under the Lead and Convene funding model, minimum grant requests begin at $50,000 with a maximum duration of 5-years.

When asked, how can the business community help? “We need to expand how we perceive support to include capacity-building investments, skills-based volunteerism, and network creation. As we think about our social responsibility we need to engage more intensely with nonprofit and public organizations by making the necessary connections to drive their missions forward.”

Although BHF has always been committed to the needs of the community, from spearheading the fundraising campaign to build Hospice House, to bringing Cancer Support Community to south-central Indiana. looking ahead, we are positioned to focus deeper into our core support areas and grant more funds to organizations across our community. 

BHF is proud to be able to support so many incredibly hard-working nonprofits of our community, and we look forward to seeing their continued progress because of our financial support. These funds not only help the nonprofits feel supported but will have a direct effect on the health of the community members that utilize their services. 

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