Summit Hill Community Development Corporation Assists Bloomington Community

December 1, 2022

Summit Hill Community Development Corporation (SHCDC) is making a massive impact in the Bloomington community as they strive to provide accommodating housing to build on the opportunity for their residents to advance and build their lives. SHCDC works under and is managed by the Bloomington Housing Authority (BHA), which provides housing services within the city of Bloomington. BHA was established in 1961 and now assists over 2,500 households each year. 

Summit Hill Community Development Corporation has three main goals for its services. One of these goals is to provide specialized property and management to accommodate affordable housing providers inside the community. Another goal is to own properties, manage them, and maintain them at a high-quality level while keeping them affordable. The last goal is to expand the community’s access to affordable housing. Making sure that the community of Bloomington can have access to housing that is affordable, well-maintained, and managed at a high level is most important to SHCDC. 

To reach these goals, SHCDC has had some very successful projects. One of those projects is the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program. This program was created in 2012 with an overarching goal to provide public housing services tools to maintain and improve properties to their quality standards. Throughout the country, public housing has been underfunded and unable to provide renovations and maintenance to these homes. This then leads to the closing of homes and units, which results in less affordable housing for communities. That’s when RAD steps in and works to gain more funding opportunities from sources like tax credits and public funds. Those that are residents of the RAD housing can expect protection, meaning that they will have the right to stay in assisted housing and have their rent based on 30% of their adjusted household income. Residents will also have access to services of improvements and upgrades to the housing and units that deserve them. After one year in the RAD program, residents will also have the opportunity to request a voucher for private market housing.  

Summit Hill Community Development Corporation is the fourth not-for-profit organization that the Bloomington Health Foundation (BHF) has awarded grants to through our 2022 Request for Proposal process. Along with providing housing security, SHCDC also matches one of Bloomington Health Foundation’s many core objectives of providing those that live in their housing with transportation services to local grocery stores and food pantries so that the residents have access to healthier and affordable foods.

Stay tuned to learn more about the final grantee and the impactful initiative it’s implementing to make Bloomington a healthier community.



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