HealthNet’s Homeless Initiative Program

November 3, 2022

HealthNet is a not-for-profit organization that provides primary care health services to the medically underserved. From beginning as just a presence in the Indianapolis inner city, they now are one of Indiana’s largest Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC). Some of their services include medical care, pediatrics, dental, and senior care.  

Recently, HealthNet has taken on a new initiative toward helping those that can’t afford to pay for healthcare, and, specifically, the homeless population within Monroe and Marion County. HealthNet now has multiple locations that offer healthcare for the homeless within both counties.

According to Rachel Smith from the Herald Times, “Beacon, an antipoverty organization, has also partnered with HealthNet… to provide onsite services to their tenants.” This type of onsite healthcare for the homeless is the first of its kind in our area. The services that HealthNet provides within these complexes include street and shelter outreach, HIP resources, housing, veterans assistance, and case management. The goal of this initiative is to give the homeless population healthcare services that are sustainable. The initiative sets out to provide better access to healthcare and provide services within these homes so that they do not need to travel. HealthNet will continue to work with other agencies to create a wider and better-coordinated network of services. 

HealthNet Bloomington Health Center is one of the five not-for-profit organizations that the Bloomington Health Foundation (BHF) has awarded grants to through our 2022 Request for Proposal process. Through HealthNet’s Homeless Initiative Program they embody and live out one of our core community support areas, which is, access to health services.

Stay tuned to learn more about the other four grantees and the impactful initiatives they’re implementing to make Bloomington a healthier community.



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